I’ve finally done something I swore to myself I wouldn’t do…

3 min readMar 31, 2021

I have tendered my resignation.

After 5 years and 10 months working as a virtual admin assistant. What are my thoughts? What made me do it? And how was my boss?

During the holidays, I’ve already had a feeling that I was no longer excited to go back to work. Not because I hate the people I work with (I love them to bits), but because I’m no longer challenged. Work was easy. Super easy. Too easy that I sometimes neglect it and distract myself with other things that keep me excited. And it was a very bad cycle.

After the holidays, I got bombed by work. My average unread email is 150 daily. It was so stressful. Strangely challenging. But ultimately, it got the best of me. I was miserable. I was no longer happy. And the compensation is no longer enough to keep me going.

I had my doubts. I didn’t feel like I deserved higher roles. I didn’t feel like I have a higher value. I am 27 years old and still holds an entry-level position for five years. I was 21 when I started here. I need growth.

And that was what I looked for.

A family matter prompted me to go to my parents and worked from the comfort of our country-side ancestral home. It was an eye-opener. I don’t know what happened. Maybe it was boredom. Maybe it was because I have a lot of time on my hands. Maybe seeing my parents again for more than a day got me inspired to do it. And so I did it.

I updated my resume.

And when I did that it all came flooding. All those things I’ve learned for the past five years, all those jobs given to me, every small task handed to me, I finally saw my “worth”.

It wasn’t long ‘til someone saw my resume. They were the first to call. It went so quick. Then I got scheduled for a client interview.

The HR lady briefed me fifteen minutes before our interview. She said the client only specifically asked for me. Because apparently, I am what he needs. My resume stood out to him. It was the same resume I did in my room in the basement of my great grandad’s old house.

During the interview the prospective client asked me, “How do you think would make this successful?” and without a blink, I responded, “I think in every relationship, whether it’s a client-employee relationship, for it to work is communication. That means I know what you’re thinking and you know what I’m thinking. And with that comes trust.”

With that being said, I got offered the job five minutes after that interview, with compensation twice as much as I’m getting today.

But it isn’t always a happy story.

I am sad. My current client has given most of their admin work for half a decade to me. And it breaks my heart to leave them. I had no choice. I need to grow. I am so thankful that my client’s reaction was supportive and was excited for me. And I have nothing but awe and love for them back.

With all these emotions coming in this month, I think it’s fair to say I’m growing again, with a little bit of growing pain (career-wise at least).




I'm Hana and I like writing stuffs about anything and everything.