A cry for understanding

2 min readJun 29, 2021

Alright, I got the time, I have the attitude, let’s do a blog.

Without having to reveal who they are, I will be very ambiguous about the recent events that took place and pretty much everything.

I will, however, say that I tried. I really, really tried to get along with them. I knew from the very beginning they were a pain in the bum. I tried not just because of the obvious, but also because they had the power. Had.

And it pains me to see how they changed from the God-praising, all-knowing, sympathetic, person to this vile, horrible, toxic, evil monster that they are now. I’m not saying they’re murderous or Ted Bundy level evil, but STILL. They radiate an energy that I don’t want to be around, because they pull my energy down as well. It’s like, especially as of late, nothing good has ever come out of their mouths— only complaints and bitter words against everyone they met.

It’s so bizarre how the pandemic has brought out the worst in them. From the way they behaved when asking for money, to the way they did not take any responsibility when we got the virus, it was just pure toxic.

I know this pandemic and lockdown has taken a toll on everyone’s mental health (and physical health to be honest), but there’s really no excuse as to why they are acting the way they do. They’re never wrong, they “shouldn’t be” because they’re older and they know better. When we ask them favours and give favours in return, we get reprimanded how the favours we return does not meet their ‘required payment’ when they were the one who set the rules in the first place. Also just the random breaking of rules that they set and when we get upset that they breached their own rules, we’re the ones who are ‘difficult to live with’.

Ah yes, that’s a clue. But still an ambiguous one, I hope.

And this is why I am so done. So, so, so done with putting up with them. As much as possible, I’d rather not give them the energy I have to live a very positive life. Especially now that lockdowns are easing up and vaccines are being given rapidly where we’re from. I’m ready to leave. So ready.

This will be the last time I will speak about them and this situation. Gonna be civil from here on but no longer trying for a good relationship.




I'm Hana and I like writing stuffs about anything and everything.